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A Glimpse...

Established by the Bombay Cambridge Gurukul in 1998, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan School is one of the Best International Schools in Borivali offers a rich and engaging educational journey for students from the age of 3 years to 16 years. The school offers a choice of curriculae with the Cambridge Assessment International Education program, UK and the Secondary School Certificate program, Maharashtra. Our students stand out distinctly for their knowledge, attitude and skills. As expressed by one of our students, "I am glad I am studying in one of the Best International Schools in Borivali, a school where values are more important than marks, participation is more important than winning and trying is more important than success!"





From the Principal's Desk...

Manisha Arondekar

Manisha Arondekar


My dear Students and Parents,
The last academic year was an eventful one. When the lockdown began in March 2020, all systems had to go digital in an instant. The final exams were cancelled, report cards were sent digitally, and the entire May vacation was spent moving the educational program to an online platform. I know that the global pandemic caused great anxiety and stress for everyone. Read More..

Alumni Mentors

Guidance from those who’ve been there and done that!

Shivam Charudutt Acharya

Batch - 2015

Engineering & Technology
Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal University

MS, Computer Science

Software Engineer at Apple

Naman Kaur

Batch - 2015

Hospitality, Tourism & Events
IHM, Mumbai

MBA, Double major in Strategy.

Global Product Manager at Siemens

Tanvi Shekhar Deolekar

Batch - 2014

Aditya College of Architecture

PGDM - International Business

Manager - Digital Payments at YES BANK

Niraj Murli Kabra

Batch - 2016

Business Management
Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies

PGD - International Business

Senior Team Leader at CIBC

Aishwarya Agiwal

Batch - 2016

Mithibai College of Arts

Senior Team Leader at CIBC

Analyst at KPMG India

Ritvik Sharad

Batch - 2006

Journalism Media & PR communication
LV Prasad College of Media Studies

Software Engineer at Snap Inc.

MS, Computer Science

What People Say...

What People Say

Chief Guest for Momentum 2017-18

It was real honour for me to have been a part of such a mega event! Really amazed to see the confidence and skills engraved into the young minds! A very well organized event with a spectacular Aerobics display! Looking forward to see students wearing Navy uniform in near future!

- Lt. Commander Gokulam Deepak

INS Hamla

Chief Guest for Crescendo 2017-18

I was happy to be with the DSRB family for the annual day! So rightly that you have named the annual celebrations as Crescendo – the uplifting with intensity, uplifting the curriculum to meet the demands of a changing society!

It was gratifying to see that the students’ performance especially that of the anchors was truly remarkable. This is the education of high impact. Years later these students would have forgotten the core concepts of History and Chemistry, but the values and the skills they imbibed by merely being on a public stage ,acting ,singing ,dancing collaborating and cooperating will always be a subject of discussion in their future cycle of life .

- Ms. Jessie Vas

Senior Advisor Head Projects & Training

P/o Advik Kudav , Std. 5

I really have no words to express my feeling for the school exhibition- Effervescence. “Amazing” might do some justice. The theme, fun stalls, science, math projects and games stalls, all were equally informative and exciting. The special emphasize on Fire safety, Happiness Quotient was really a good idea and best way to reach out the masses. Superb Team work, you guys rock!

- Mr. Ajay Kudav

School Captain 2014 – 15

Distinctiveness’ was the key in my school. Everything was done in quite a different way which highlighted that you need not do great things all the time, but should know to do small things in a great way!

- Akshay Kedia

P/o Deesha Shah, Std. 10 (2017 – 18 Batch)

Momentum- the Sports Meet was a wonderful event. All the staff members had put in great efforts and it all came out well. The event was overall good portraying fitness, team work and sportsmanship. We feel indeed proud that school has achieved great heights in the field of sports. It is a privilege being a part of DSRB!

- Preeti Shah

P/o Aaditya Kulkarni, Std. 10

‘Crescendo’ was magnificent. The entire event was conducted with a lot of perfection. The concept, theme and costumes were a major highlight. The teamwork of all DSRBians was exemplary which was reflected in each display. Taking us through all activities of the year through the presentation was a pleasure to see. We really enjoyed watching our kids showcase their talent on stage. Theme based dances, skits and the music choir were wonderful. In all, ‘Crescendo’ was breath-taking. A big thank you to the teachers and support staff for a wonderful event.

- Vaishali Kulkarni

P/o Swara Sabnis, Std. 4

‘Positive Platter’ was very informative, interactive, totally satisfied and got answers to all questions related to children’s food and nutrition. Enjoyed thoroughly the recipes shown by teachers. Positive Platter made me more aware about nutrition of my kids and will definitely help me with the tiffin ideas.

- Mrugaya Sabnis

P/o Aradhana Sherai, Sr. KG.

Awesome!! Much appreciated step by the school involving parents on International Yoga Day. Expecting lot more such activities involving health awareness and we would love to participate in any activities conducted by the school in future.

- Gayathri Sherai

What People Say

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